Hey, I'm Marc

+10 years of experience. Fullstack developer from Girona, Spain. Specialized in web application development.


  1. Fullstack Developer

    Present Connection Spain

    Maintain a production stable application, creating new features, fixing bugs, improving the code, etc. Working with Laravel.
  2. Fullstack Developer


    Develop a long-term project taking into account scalability, testability and maintenance. Following Microservices, DDD and hexagonal architecture approach, using docker and kubernetes. Working with Laravel and Vue frameworks.
  3. Fullstack Developer

    Xarxafarmacèutica SL

    Unify legacy desktop applications into a single web application. Renew the intranet for customers. New web applications were made in PHP and JS, specifically with Laravel and Vue.js frameworks and Vuetify for the styles.
  4. E-commerce Developer

    Global Software Partner

    Create online stores for various customers and integrate them with SAP B1. Using Magento2 framework.
  5. Fullstack developer

    Grup Puig Infante

    Revamp company websites, multiple landing pages and online stores. All the websites were made in PHP, specially with the framework Codeigniter and bootstrap library for the styles.
  6. Fullstack developer

    Ingenium Mobile Studio

    Create new features and fixing bugs of an existing web applications. The applications were made in PHP, specially frameworks like: Wordpress, Bootstrap, Smarty, Twig.


Recién llegado vs 5 años en Nueva Zelanda

Infinicuentos - The interactive story

  • Astro
  • Vue
  • Tailwind CSS
Create personalized interactive stories using artificial intelligence. Choose the genre, make decisions and live a unique experience. The story develops in real time as you select the options presented to you.
Recién llegado vs 5 años en Nueva Zelanda

The Hangman - Word game

  • Astro
  • Vue
  • Tailwind CSS
Do you wanna play a game? The Hangman is a word game where you have to guess the word before you run out of attempts.

About me

I'm a full stack developer since 2013 when I started doing an internship for a little year. I've been working always on a small companies in a very small IT team, sometimes just me. So I had to be self-taught, learning from official documentations, this path has given to me the confidence to don't be afraid of a new things.

I started working with PHP, going through Wordpress, Codeigniter, Magento2, Symfony and Laravel. Later I became interested in frontend frameworks trying react and vue. In addition I tried style frameworks like tailwindCSS, Vuetify and Quasar. Also I loved working with Astro which is the framework used for create this website :)

I have always been interested in good programming practices, questioning the way things are done. Code should be readable, maintainable, testable and predictable. To accomplish that I read a lot about clean architectures as DDD and hexagonal architecture.