Infinicuentos - The interactive story
- Astro
- Vue
- Tailwind CSS
+10 years of experience. Fullstack developer from Girona, Spain. Specialized in web application development.
I'm a full stack developer since 2013 when I started doing an internship for a little year. I've been working always on a small companies in a very small IT team, sometimes just me. So I had to be self-taught, learning from official documentations, this path has given to me the confidence to don't be afraid of a new things.
I started working with PHP, going through Wordpress, Codeigniter, Magento2, Symfony and Laravel. Later I became interested in frontend frameworks trying react and vue. In addition I tried style frameworks like tailwindCSS, Vuetify and Quasar. Also I loved working with Astro which is the framework used for create this website :)
I have always been interested in good programming practices, questioning the way things are done. Code should be readable, maintainable, testable and predictable. To accomplish that I read a lot about clean architectures as DDD and hexagonal architecture.